Page 289 - Guía Oficial Delegación Argentina
P. 289
Messi conmovió a todos en Bei-
y Santiago Fernandez, cuarto en la in Football. After beating Paraguay
jing y, de su mano, Argentina
final del single de remo. 1-0 in the finals, Marcelo Bielsa’s
logró su segundo oro consecu-
team conquered the only achieve-
tivo en fútbol. Un equipazo que
ment that our country was lacking
BEIJING 2008 in its large history in Football. The ganó todo lo que jugó y que de-
finió el oro contra Nigeria.
team, which had Carlos Tevez
uatro años después, la his- (maximum goal maker) as its great- Messi impressed everyone in
Ctoria se volvió a repetir. Ar- est figure, played with a clearly bet- Beijing and under his leaders-
gentina igualó en Beijing 2008 ter level than its opponents. In such hip, Argentina won its second
la cantidad de medallas obteni- an extreme it was the success that consecutive gold in football. A
das en Atenas 2004. La misión, the team played the tournament great team that won absolutely
que tuvo como abanderado al undefeated (it played six games) everything and clinched the gold
básquetbolista Emanuel Ginóbili, and with no goal against. The other against Nigeria.
cosechó seis podios (dos meda- joy was in Basketball. With an un-
llas de oro y cuatro de bronce) y mistaken mystic that touched the
alcanzó sus picos con las sólidas heart of everyone, the so-called
actuaciones del seleccionado de “Gold generation” composed
fútbol y de la dupla de ciclismo by Emanuel Ginóbili (MVP of the
compuesta por Juan Curuchet tournament), Alejandro Montec-
y Walter Pérez. Además se des- chia, Fabricio Oberto, Luis Scola
tacaron la Selección femenina and Juan Ignacio Sánchez among