Page 292 - Guía Oficial Delegación Argentina
P. 292
sia, and Paula Pareto, who was
eliminated in the quarterfinals (end-
ed up fifth) due to a controversial
refereeing decision.
Sebastián Crismanich was the del-
egation’s greatest hero. His gold
medal, won in a dramatic fight,
catapulted him to popularity and
the Corrientes-born athlete ac-
cepted the challenge: overnight,
taekwondo was all over the news.
This victory was the first in 64 years
in an individual sport since Delfo
Cabrera’s historic win at the Lon-
don 1948 marathon. The Leonas
proved to be the greatest Argentine
female team of all times by winning
their fourth medal (silver) in four con-
secutive Games, a winning streak
that began in Sydney 2000. The
bronze medals were won by Juan
Martín Del Potro (after losing an un-
believable semifinal against Roger
Federer at the All England Club),
and Lucas Calabrese and Juan de
deportivo. Desde la frialdad de la Fuente in the men’s 470. This
Paula Pareto es una de las dos
los números hay que analizar, en was de ls Fuente’s second Olympic
mujeres argentinas que tiene una
primer lugar, que para encontrar medal. As for the rest of the delega-
medalla de oro olímpica. La judo-
un antecedente a las tres meda- tion, most of the athletes performed
ca la consiguió en Río de Janeiro
llas de oro conseguidas por Pau- as expected and some did even
2016. Ocho años antes, en Bei-
la Pareto, en la categoría 48 kilos better, like Federico Molinari, who
jing, había obtenido una medalla
de judo; Santiago Lange y Cecilia reached a historic final in rings.
de bronce.
Carranza, en la clase Nacra 17 de
vela; y el seleccionado masculino
Paula Pareto is one of the two Ar-
de hockey sobre césped, hay que RIO 2016
gentine women to have won an
remontarse a Londres 1948 (Delfo
Olympic gold medal. The judoka
Cabrera, en maratón; y los boxea- rgentina sent the nation’s
won it at Rio 2016. Eight years
dores Rafael Iglesias, en pesados y Alargest-ever delegation to the
earlier, in Beijing, she had won a
Pascual Pérez, en 51 kilos). Games in Olympic history (213),
bronze medal.
Pareto se convirtió en la primera which shows a progress that was
mujer argentina en ganar una pre- not only relevant from a qualitative
sea de oro; días más tarde, Cecilia but also from a quantitative point
Carranza se le sumó quedando of view. The result of the 2016 Rio
ambas como las únicas repre- Olympic Games is highly posi-
sentantes nacionales en ostentar tive in terms of emotions, sporting
la medalla más buscada. Santia- achievements and statistics. Ana-
go Lange, a los 54 años, subió a lyzing the numbers, Argentina won
lo más alto del podio en su sexto three gold medals thanks to Paula
Juego Olímpico y los Leones die- Pareto, in the -48kg Judo category;
ron la gran sorpresa: vencieron Santiago Lange and Cecilia Car-
a España (2-1) en los cuartos de ranza, in the Nacra 17 mixed class;
final, se impusieron a la poderosa and the men’s field field hockey