Page 285 - Guía Oficial Delegación Argentina
P. 285
Crespo, Marcelo Gallardo, Ariel the runner-up position, Espínola La bronca se refleja en los ros-
Ortega, Diego Simeone, Javier Za- needed to fight considerably. But tros de los futbolistas del se-
netti y Gustavo López entre otros, with a total of 19 points he placed leccionado argentino, después
que no podían creer que el gran behind the Greek Kaklamanakis. de perder la final de Atlanta
sueño argentino se esfumaba de Later on, Espínola would go up 1996 frente a Nigeria.
sus manos habiendo estado tan the podium again in Sydney Anger is reflected on the faces
cerca de lograrlo. 2000, Athens 2004 and Beijing
2008. of the members of the Argen-
tine team after having lost the
Another joy was the bronze med-
SÍDNEY 2000 al obtained by Pablo Chacón in final to Nigeria, in Atlanta, back
Boxing, in the Lightweight catego- in 1996.
ueve Juegos transcurrieron ry. Chacón defeated Tyson Gray
Npara que los atletas argentinos from Jamaica, and Jossian Le-
pudieran volver a conquistar cuatro bon from Mauritius Islands to as-
medallas. En Sídney 2000 se dio la sure his third position. In the semi
mejor actuación argentina desde finals he was beaten by Somluck
Helsinki 52. Fueron 145 los atletas Kamsing from Thailand 20-8 and
argentinos, quienes compitieron en could not fight for the gold. But
atletismo, boxeo, canotaje, ciclis- reaching the bronze was already
mo, equitación, esgrima, gimnasia, a successful feat. Once again, a
hockey sobre césped, judo, nata- medal was brought in by Boxing
ción, pesas, remo, taekwondo, te- since Mexico DF 1968.
nis, tenis de mesa, tiro, triatlon, vó- Football, delivered the third medal.
leibol, beach volley y yachting. Tres This sport, in fact, continued in At-
medallas llegaron desde el agua. El lanta 1996 its odyssey of conquer-
yachting trajo una de plata y dos ing the Olympic gold. The National